•  6/4/2020 04:26 AM

In the digital age, nonprofit organizations, like all businesses, need to market online to succeed.

  •  11/27/2018 03:28 PM

have the opportunity not long ago to get acquainted with Kelly Reed, Director, DreamMissions Foundation, founded upon a mission to provide for the many children around the world who are living in orphanages and to ensure they each receive the love and necessities they deserve and need.

  •  11/27/2018 03:25 PM

For the past year, Renato Rampolla has been meeting and photographing homeless people in different cities across the United States.

  •  11/27/2018 03:22 PM

As recently highlighted in our previous article below, the global number of prosecutions for human traffickers is alarmingly low.

  •  10/27/2018 09:25 AM

Blankets provide so much for the Homeless. Blankets provide warmth, comfort as a pillow, barrier between a body and an ant-filled patch of grass or dirt, shelter from the elements, even a sense of security and peace. At any time, any one of us could be living on the streets. All it takes is one life-changing event to leave someone homeless, cold, and feeling alone.

  •  6/15/2018 02:03 PM

Navicore Solutions provides financial education, counseling and debt management plans nationwide. Founded in 1991 in New Jersey, Navicore Solutions provides compassionate financial counseling to consumers nationwide in the areas of personal finance, consumer credit, student loans, foreclosure prevention and housing, as well as bankruptcy counseling and education.

  •  5/1/2018 08:16 PM

Nicolas Victorin was born and grew up in the northern area of Haiti in a city called Pignon. He’s the oldest of five sons and started school at the age of four. After his graduation from High School, he was unable to attend college. Says Nicolas; “I had to take a break and wait until the Lord would open doors. It is said in the Bible that God can open doors where there is no door, it really happened in my life.”

  •  9/30/2017 12:00 AM

“Quantum Leap Farm empowers people of all ages and abilities to grow strong, achieve therapeutic goals and overcome challenges through equine-assisted therapies. We believe in the acceptance of everyone, wherever they are right now.” At Quantum Leap Farm, we envision a world where people are accepted unconditionally: warts and all. We recognize that scars and imperfections are an inherent part of every individual, and contribute greatly to our identity, beauty and uniqueness. While we may not be perfect, we can still be excellent.

  •  6/30/2017 12:06 PM

Meals On Wheels of Tampa has been committed to nourishing and enriching the independent lives of the homebound and seniors of Tampa since 1975. Today, Meals On Wheels of Tampa serves over 800 people with a hot meal during the lunch hour. Meals On Wheels of Tampa is a 4-star charity and relies on its community for support by not accepting government funding.

  •  5/26/2017 12:04 PM

Trinity Cafe is a free restaurant that offers meals to homeless, hungry, and food insecure. Guests are asked for nothing in return – no mandatory religious services, counseling or proof of need. Our restaurant quality meals are prepared by a professional chef and served by volunteer servers. Guests sit at cloth-covered tables set with dishes and silverware.